Special Education of Physical Therapy
Special natural knowledge and skills of the treatment to be
transferred examine the patient and intervention and therapeutic
outcomes and examination of clinical and follow-up with an emphasis on
realism guidance with respect to health and disease for the human
environment and cultural patterns and human characteristics of the
ethical and legal duties incumbent upon the practitioner treatment.
list includes treatment Science Natural (therapeutic means, tests and
measurements, biomechanics, kinesiology, soft tissue therapy, electrical
diagnosis, growth and development, the rehabilitation of the machine
Great muscular rehabilitation nervous system muscular rehabilitation
circulatory respiratory, rehabilitation of the skin, women's and
children's health care )
It also includes Medical Science (injuries, orthopedic and
neurosurgery, neurology and pediatric surgery, heart and chest diseases,
internal medicine, and geriatrics), along with the humanities
(psychology, sociology, communication skills, languages) also includes
the biological sciences ( anatomy,
physiology, histology and biochemistry) as well as the decisions of the
scientific thinking and information technology, research methods and
statistics, and management techniques.